Booking Info

Two for Tripping is a fully equipped band, experienced with running our own sound and equipment for small venues. We require enough space to seat/stand two people comfortably along with room for mic and music stands, 5 instruments and 3 monitors. A space equal to 6′ x 4′ would suffice for set up. Two stools or chairs without arms would be appreciated, but not required.

Larger venues making use of a sound-person can share the information below for preparation of our performance:

Two for Tripping make use of two vocal mics and three amps (2 with built-in DI’s and one which has a pre out). We have had issues of buzzing when we have tried to run the amps through those configurations directly to sound boards so they may need mics as well. Monitor tweaks: different vocals leveling.

Susan Olheiser, Manager
(250) 687-0778

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